Increased costs – you may need additional equipment, “better” equipment, or new software.There are still a few potential downsides to multitrack recording. Potential Cons of Recording Separate Audio Tracks There’s rarely a one size fits all answer in podcasting, and there’s still a chance that multitrack might not be for you. So, that’s it settled, then? Multitrack recording is always the best option, no matter what? Not necessarily. You can fiddle about with this in post-production, but you risk just making your own audio much louder in a bit to raise there’s. Or, in another example, say you record a single track recording where your guest’s audio is much quieter than yours. With a multitrack recorder, you’d simply remove or silence that section of your track in the editing process, and the listener will never even know it happened. If you were recording the interview on one single track, the noise of the ringtone would be mixed in with the interview guest’s answer. As they’re giving you a detailed and thorough answer to a question, suddenly, your phone rings. Here’s a classic example of multitrack recording at work. The ability to independently clean, process, or mute sections of each track.Flexibility and control over individual gain and volume levels.In my experience, these are the two big benefits of multitrack recording: One File Per Guest = Better Editing Control

So why bother multitrack recording at all? Here are a couple of compelling reasons. If you’re new to podcasting or audio production, it’s understandable that you won’t want to learn about new techniques and terminology without having a good reason, first. Main Pros of Recording Audio on Separate Tracks In this guide, we’ll look at how to do multitrack recording, as well as why you might want to (or not want to, as the case might be). Popular multitrack recorders in the hardware world include the Zoom PodTrak P4, the Rodecaster Pro, and the Zoom H6, whilst Riverside and SquadCast are two of the best on the digital front. That might be two people, or it might be 20. A “track” (also known as a “channel”) represents the individual audio of each person involved in the recording. A multitrack recorder is a piece of equipment or software that enables you to record on….