Ensure the cargo does not exceed the aircraft’s weight limits.Check all the cockpit instruments to ensure proper functioning.Communicate with air traffic control to request for landing and take off, or report any information on the flight plan.

Degree in aircraft engineering, aviation or related fields. File reports of the flight trip and status of aircraft before and after landing. Collaborate with flight attendants to ensure passengers are following all the rules and regulations onboard.

Observe the weather conditions, aircraft position, and air traffic regularly during the flight and request for a change of flight plan if needed. Ensure the cargo does not exceed the aircraft’s weight limits. Check all the cockpit instruments to ensure proper functioning. Communicate with air traffic control to request for landing and take off, or report any information on the flight plan. Conduct all pre-flight checks of engines, radar, navigation systems, etc to ensure safety. Formulate a flight plan taking into accordance aircraft performance, altitude, fuel, and weather. You are responsible for the safety of the cabin crew and passengers. You will be required to check the flight, ensure flight plans are made and submit reports regularly.

We are looking for an airline pilot to join our company and work to make every flight journey with care and efficiency.